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Combine your influence with Amazon’s reach

Join Amazon's Influencer Program and get paid to post inspiring photos of items you already own. Stacking cash has never been so easy.

Pink and purple circleDots in the background

How does it work?

Amazon is seeking creators who can produce inspiring lifestyle photos showcasing products they love.

Simply create an Amazon Storefront via Amazon's Influencer Program, then give us your info (so that we can get you paid 💰). Then, upload  photos of any products you own that can be found on Amazon. Get paid per approved photo. It's really that simple.

Who can do this?

Anyone with more than 2,000 followers on any social media platform can particpate.

What kind of photos do you want?

We are looking for creative and engaging photos that show the product in use. For example, rather than just a picture of an air fryer sitting on a counter, you might upload a picture of an air fryer with the delicious-looking food you've cooked inside it or next to it.

For more detailed information about the type of photos we're looking for, check out this creative brief.

How to get started:


📈  Sign Up for Amazon's Influencer Program

This will take just a few minutes. Sign up via the link below to join Amazon's Influencer Program and create your own Amazon storefront.

Sign Up with Amazon

📧  Give us your info, then check your email

Once you've created your Amazon Storefront, follow the link below to sign up with Ubiquitous. This is how we get you paid and give you more detailed instructions on how to upload photos.

Submit your info

💰 Upload photos, get approved, get paid  

Based on the photo requirements (we email them to you), upload photos to the Google Drive folder we will  send you. For each approved photo you submit, you'll get paid. The more authentic and engaging the photos, the better.