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Competitive Brand Analysis Tool

Ubiquitous' Influencer Marketing Platform helps you to identify what your competition is up to and leverage it to your advantage. And it's free.

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Dissect your competitor's strategy and develop your own to take over the internet.

You don’t want to follow trends, you want to set them. With Ubiquitous, you can gather information on the competition and equip yourself with the strategies needed to succeed on the social media feed.  

How it works

Platform Search

Search through TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to see how your competition is collaborating with influencers.

Influencer vs. Organic Content

Break down any brand’s sponsored and organic content, and glean insights into average views, engagement, and followers.

Study The Data

Dive into individual posts and see who’s liking, sharing, and commenting on your competition’s content.

What They're Saying

“I love working with Ubiquitous - they are speedy with communication, knowledgeable in the space, and deliver quantifiable results. Easy to partner with and results-oriented!”

- Marissa Turk, SmackSongs
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Request Free Access Now

If your brand is ready to shake the internet with the help of influencers, we’re here to make that happen. Request access to our influencer marketing platform today.

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